Saturday 15 August 2015

- 14 h

14 hours before the start.... Side to side with our worst enemy, the Spanish Tales Mafia! Spying each other since our arrival in Monday. Great boat great crew! We'll see;)

The boat is empty and dived - we gained 5 cm of freeboard....

We had a proper last dinner and are now in our bunks for a good night of sleep, zooming into the next days. A light start, difficult transitions and a very 
eager and really nice team.
Thanks to Miranda Merron and Tanguy Leglatin for coming!!

Follow the NIVEA boat on Yellow Brick:

Fastnet Race 2015

Together with Miss Merron we are en route again, heading westwards to Cowes, ETA this afternoon, Monday, 10th August...
The purpose?
Fastnet Race 2015 :)
Start: 16.08

More to follow soon.

Leaving summer gear...


...listening to Sunday church ;))

Significant improvement of meteo-conditions alongside the English coast...

All in all we're proceeding well and are looking forward some beers in a couple of hours!!! And finally some SUNSHINE!!!!